Problems with Playerscore

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Problems with Playerscore

Postby blindfoxx » Sun Feb 21, 2010 4:01 am

UTStatsdb Vers. 3.06
Debian Linux (don't know the Vers.)
MySQL DB Vers. 5.0
PHP Vers. 5.2.12
UT2004 Vers. 3369
ServerExt - PlayerJoinLog

The Player "Icem@n" informed me about a mistake at the DB
Please take a look at the following Links:

DM-Match Feb. 18./23.19 Score of "Icem@n" Start 86.07 - End 91.03 day later Icem@n played again (some Matches with Freon and DeathMatch without him later)...

DM-Match 1 Feb. 19./21.05 Score of "Icem@n" Start 0.00 (!!) - End 12.70
DM-Match2 Feb. 19./21.20 Score of "Icem@n" Start 91.03 - End 90.93

Whats going wrong with the Match on Feb. 19. at 21.05 PM?

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Re: Problems with Playerscore

Postby Panther » Sun Feb 21, 2010 8:12 am

Please send me all logs from Deathmatch matches with this player from the beginning of the 18th and I'll see if I can duplicate this.

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Re: Problems with Playerscore

Postby blindfoxx » Sun Feb 21, 2010 3:11 pm

Hmm, all log-Files are saved under ./logs/backup, but the File for the Match at Feb. 18._ 23.19PM is'nt there! :o All other Files are in this direction.

I attached the other Log-Files Feb. 18. - 19. - I'm afraid there are not very helpful.

No Idea whre the log-File is: :(
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Re: Problems with Playerscore

Postby Panther » Sun Feb 21, 2010 11:57 pm

Then it sounds as though the match was not successfully parsed completely. Check your web server logs for PHP errors around the time it was parsed.

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Re: Problems with Playerscore

Postby blindfoxx » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:42 am

Can't find any Errors in the Webserver-Logfiles:

Here the Parsing-Cronjob Feb. 18.:

Code: Select all

..... 212.227.101.x - - [18/Feb/2010:23:56:38 +0100] "GET /utstats/ut2004/logs.php?pass=XXXXXXXX&nohtml HTTP/1.0" 200 1912 "" "" "-" ..... 193.84.20.x - - [18/Feb/2010:23:58:54 +0100] "POST /utstats/ut2004/RemoteLogDump.php HTTP/1.1" 200 29 "-" "LibHTTP/401 (UnrealEngine2; build 3369; )" "-" .....
Here the Parsing-Cronjob at Feb. 19.:

Code: Select all

..... 79.215.99.x - - [19/Feb/2010:23:51:06 +0100] "GET /utstats/ut2004/logs.php?pass=XXXXXXXX&nohtml HTTP/1.1" 200 3047 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv:1.9.2) Gecko/20100115 Firefox/3.6 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)" "-" .....
On Feb. 19. is no Entry with "LibHTTP/401". I've got no Idea what this means! :oops: 401 = Error?

The other Web-Log Entrys for the Match ID1511 (the Match with the 0.00 Score for "Icem@n") was created by any Visitors.

Do You need the complete Web-Logfile via PM?- I think I can trust You. ;)

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Re: Problems with Playerscore

Postby Panther » Mon Feb 22, 2010 10:54 am

It doesn't sound like the web log is going to do much good. Is PHP configured to log errors?

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Re: Problems with Playerscore

Postby blindfoxx » Mon Feb 22, 2010 12:50 pm

I'm afraid PHP is'nt configured to log Errors.
I contacted my Provider with this Question. The Provider sends me a Mail with this Code:

Code: Select all

<?php error_reporting(0); $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("userErrorHandler"); function userErrorHandler ($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) { $time=date("d M Y H:i:s"); // Get the error type from the error number $errortype = array (1 => "Error", 2 => "Warning", 4 => "Parsing Error", 8 => "Notice", 16 => "Core Error", 32 => "Core Warning", 64 => "Compile Error", 128 => "Compile Warning", 256 => "User Error", 512 => "User Warning", 1024 => "User Notice"); $errlevel=$errortype[$errno]; //Write error to log file (CSV format) $errfile=fopen("errors.csv","a"); fputs($errfile,"\"$time\",\"$filename: $linenum\",\"($errlevel) $errmsg\"\r\n"); fclose($errfile); if($errno!=2 && $errno!=8) { //Terminate script if fatal errror die("A fatal error has occured. Script execution has been aborted"); } } ?>
This Code should be written at the Start of the Script, then writes the Code all Errors in a "errors.csv-File.
I'm afraid this comes to late for me. :cry:

When I'm parsing the Logs manually in the Admin-Interface, is there any debug-switch?

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Re: Problems with Playerscore

Postby Panther » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:56 am

Based on their example, I would suggest adding the following code in after the line:

Code: Select all

error_reporting(0); $old_error_handler = set_error_handler( "userErrorHandler" ); function userErrorHandler($errno, $errmsg, $filename, $linenum, $vars) { $time = date("D M d Y H:i:s"); // Get the error type from the error number $errortype = array (1 => "Error", 2 => "Warning", 4 => "Parsing Error", 8 => "Notice", 16 => "Core Error", 32 => "Core Warning", 64 => "Compile Error", 128 => "Compile Warning", 256 => "User Error", 512 => "User Warning", 1024 => "User Notice"); $errlevel = $errortype[$errno]; // Write error to log file $errfile = fopen( "phperrors.log", "a" ); switch ($errlevel) { case 1: case 4: case 16: case 64: case 256: fputs($errfile, "[$time] [$errlevel] PHP Error on line $linenum in file $filename: $errmsg\n" ); break; case 2: case 32: case 128: case 512: fputs($errfile, "[$time] [$errlevel] PHP Warning on line $linenum in file $filename: $errmsg\n" ); break; case 8: case 1024: fputs($errfile, "[$time] [$errlevel] PHP Notice on line $linenum in file $filename: $errmsg\n" ); break; } fclose( $errfile ); if ( $errno != 2 && $errno != 8 ) { // Terminate script if fatal errror die( "A fatal error has occured. Script execution has been aborted." ); } }

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Re: Problems with Playerscore

Postby blindfoxx » Tue Feb 23, 2010 11:50 am

Added your Code in

In the following Pages appears now this message: "A fatal error has occured. Script execution has been aborted.":

In the attachment is the errors.csv-File.
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