No new logs to download

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Joined: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:30 pm

No new logs to download

Postby hitpoint » Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:20 pm

As recommended by Panther i have gone to the Logs Config section and configured FTP download of the Stats- files. When i go to Parse Logs section i get the following information:

Initializing ftp file transfer.
Connected to '' on port '21' for user 'xxxxxxxxx'.
Enabling passive mode.
Successfully changed ftp directory to '/servers/by_serverid/12345/Server Logs'.
No new logs to download.

Setting permissions in directory './Logs/' for 'Stats-8077*':
Processing directory './Logs/' for 'Stats-8077*':
No log files to process.

However, when i now use my FTP software and manually login to the game server, there is indeed new Stat-files that should have been downloaded and prosessed. What is the cause of this, is there some specific settings that needs to be set for this to work or configuration of *.php files?


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