Getting the logs from the UT3 server to webserver?

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Getting the logs from the UT3 server to webserver?

Postby hitpoint » Sat Jun 22, 2013 6:12 pm

I am all new the utstatsdb-3.06 and the mutator UT3Stats-1.04.

I have uploaded and installed the mutator UT3Stats and have it currently running in the "UTUT3StatsHTTP" mode, i have not configured the UTUT3StatsHTTP.ini file at the moment as i am not sure what i should put in it.

[UT3StatsHTTP UTUIDataProvider_Mutator]
Description=UT3 Stat Logging Mutator


Should i change this to True? bUploadLogs=False
Where do i find this password? UploadPass=pass
Should i change this to True? bParseLogs=False
Where do i find this password? ParserPass=pass

UTStatsDB is installed on my web server and seems to operate nicely, however there is no meat on it (i do not have any logs on it to process), the database was created and i do not see any error messages. I went through the "Main Config" section, "Logs Config" and now i am currently stuck at "Query Config" section.

The UTUT3StatsHTTP.ini in the mutator and the "Query Config" section seems somehow to be connected or related to each other and i really need your guidance after spending the last xx hours to get this up and running.

What should i put in "Query server"?
Which password is it suppose to refer to in "Password" ?
I assume the "Game port" is 8077 for server 1 and 7777 for server 2 that i have listed under.

What is the correct link?

I have tried to gather as much information as possible under and i hope someone can help me here :-)

UT3 server 1
Query Port: 8087

UT3 Server 2
Query Port: 7787

Exactly what should i put in the ini-file and exactly what should i put in the Query Config-section?

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Re: Getting the logs from the UT3 server to webserver?

Postby Panther » Fri Jul 05, 2013 1:25 am

The uploading function seems to have been hit and miss. Some people successfully got it working while others didn't, with almost identical configurations. It's usually better to just have it pull them down via FTP or something. Query server is your server's IP address, and for UT3 you must use the exact listening port. I think the password is optional with El Muerte's query system, which may have been just for UT2004.

Posts: 10
Joined: Sat Jun 22, 2013 5:30 pm

Re: Getting the logs from the UT3 server to webserver?

Postby hitpoint » Sun Jul 07, 2013 12:23 pm

The uploading function seems to have been hit and miss. Some people successfully got it working while others didn't, with almost identical configurations. It's usually better to just have it pull them down via FTP or something. Query server is your server's IP address, and for UT3 you must use the exact listening port. I think the password is optional with El Muerte's query system, which may have been just for UT2004.

It seems that no matter what i do, as i have tried different combination the query seems to fail, but this is not a big issue i can just use GameTracker or similar service. thanks for the information anyway :-)

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