The output file look like this: 2013_12_28-13_32_31-Sentinel-2013_12_28-13_32_31.demo
PS: It seems the last date is added automatically to the filename-string in the end even i did not add it to the mask, i am not sure how to remove this part.
In UTStatDB, i have configured it like this:
Main Config -> Demorec Path: /ut3stats/Demos/
In the Demorec Path i have also tried the following ./Demos and /Demos, but it seems no matter what i do it fails when i run the log parsing, under is a copy of the errors i have managed to catch.
During download the files is placed in the /Demos-folder as i have specified in the Main config menu:
But here is the error message i get, and when i check the specific match in utstat website, there is no download link for the demo file.
Under is the particular code from line 632 that seems to fail, but i do not understand whym, because it seems very similar to the log-section of the code.Initializing ftp file transfer.
Connected to '' on port '21' for user 'xxxxxx'.
Enabling passive mode.
Successfully changed ftp directory to '/by_serverid/123456/Server Logs'.
Downloading log 'Stats-7977-20131228.133437.log'....successful - deleted.
Successfully changed ftp directory to '/by_serverid/123456/Demos'.
Downloading demo ''....
Warning: ftp_get(./Demos/) [function.ftp-get]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home/321www/public_html/ut3stats/logs.php on line 632
Warning: ftp_get() [function.ftp-get]: Error opening ./Demos/ in /home/321www/public_html/ut3stats/logs.php on line 632
Downloading demo ''....
Warning: ftp_get(./Demos/) [function.ftp-get]: failed to open stream: Is a directory in /home/321www/public_html/ut3stats/logs.php on line 632
Warning: ftp_get() [function.ftp-get]: Error opening ./Demos/ in /home/321www/public_html/ut3stats/logs.php on line 632
Downloading demo '2013_12_28-14_08_20-Sentinel_SF2-2013_12_28-14_08_20.demo'....successful - deleted.
Code: Select all
if (ftp_get($conn_id, "{$demodir}$file", "$file", FTP_BINARY)) {
echo "successful";
if (!$save) {
if (ftp_delete($conn_id, $file))
echo " - deleted.{$break}\n";
echo " - deletion failed!{$break}\n";
} else
echo ".{$break}\n";
echo "failed!{$break}\n";