UT3 support

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UT3 support

Postby iycgtptyarvg » Sat Dec 15, 2007 1:31 pm

Can you tell us whether you will create a version of UTStatsDB for UT3?

If so, is there any indication of an ETA?

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Re: UT3 support

Postby Panther » Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:20 pm

Can you tell us whether you will create a version of UTStatsDB for UT3?

If so, is there any indication of an ETA?
I'd be glad to, except that there is no local logging capability in UT3.

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Re: UT3 support

Postby iycgtptyarvg » Sat Dec 15, 2007 2:47 pm

I'd be glad to, except that there is no local logging capability in UT3.
Erhm... what does that mean? Isn't there any logging possible?!? But how do the 'official' stats work then?
Or am I misunderstanding you?

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Re: UT3 support

Postby utssace » Sat Dec 15, 2007 3:54 pm

I have used utstatsdb with Ut99, 2k3, & 2k4. I know that 2k3 didn't log local stats and users need a mod for this.
Hopefully, such a fix will come along for UT3.

BTW, nice new phpBB3 forum Panther. 8-)

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Re: UT3 support

Postby Panther » Sat Dec 15, 2007 7:49 pm

I have used utstatsdb with Ut99, 2k3, & 2k4. I know that 2k3 didn't log local stats and users need a mod for this.
Hopefully, such a fix will come along for UT3.

BTW, nice new phpBB3 forum Panther. 8-)
Thanks, I figured the UTStatsDB project site could use an overhaul....in preparation for when it can be used with UT3.

UT3, like UT2003, does not have the built-in ability to generate local log files. The stats sent to GameSpy are sent directly. The problem with a stat logger for UT3 is that it seems to lack some of the functions that were available in UT2003 to generate the log files. It should be possible, however, to do it through a mutator, as opposed to a server actor, but it's not as clean of a method. I'm not very familiar with the scripting used for UT3 and I was really hoping that OverloadUT would tackle the problem. I've been messing with it myself in the meantime, but haven't had much success. I just don't have enough time to spend on this at the moment.

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Re: UT3 support

Postby rendered » Mon Feb 25, 2008 6:16 am

I really hope that it will be possible to do local stats for UT3 like UTStatsDB does for the rest of the Unreal series. Is there any more news regarding support for UT3?

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Re: UT3 support

Postby Panther » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:13 am

I've been working on the logging a bit today and managed a functional stat logging mutator. It is, however, very much in need of additional work, but it's a start finally. I should have more time to work on it in a few days.

Code: Select all

UT3Stats by Panther v0.10 0.0000 NG 0.0000 SG 31.0260 C None 255 51.7062 C UTPlayerController_0 255 53.1362 C UTBot_1 255 53.1362 C UTBot_2 255 53.1728 C UTBot_0 255 65.7570 S UTBot_0 UTBot_2 66.8937 C UTBot_2 255 67.3337 S UTBot_2 UTBot_0 69.2403 C UTBot_0 255 75.8404 S UTPlayerController_0 UTBot_2 77.1237 C UTBot_2 255 79.4704 S UTPlayerController_0 UTBot_1 80.5337 C UTBot_1 255 82.4771 S UTPlayerController_0 UTBot_0 82.4771 EG UTPlayerReplicationInfo_0 fraglimit

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Re: UT3 support

Postby Panther » Tue Mar 11, 2008 5:44 am

Okay, I worked on it a little more before going to bed, fixed some issues and now it runs well but needs some refinement to the output. Here's the full log from a short (3 frag limit) game with one player and three bots:

Code: Select all

UT3Stats by Panther v0.10 0.0000 NG 0.0000 SG 83.6124 C UTPlayerController_0 255 84.4558 C UTBot_0 255 84.4558 C UTBot_2 255 84.6025 C UTBot_1 255 85.4825 I UTPawn_0 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_BioRifle_Content_32 85.6291 I UTPawn_0 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content UTWeaponPickupFactory_12 85.8491 I UTPawn_0 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_BioRifle_Content_31 86.0325 I UTPawn_2 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content UTWeaponPickupFactory_12 86.8025 I UTPawn_1 UTWeap_LinkGun UTWeaponPickupFactory_21 87.8291 I UTPawn_3 UTWeap_FlakCannon UTWeaponPickupFactory_19 88.0491 I UTPawn_3 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_FlakCannon_0 88.2325 I UTPawn_3 UTWeap_FlakCannon UTWeaponPickupFactory_19 88.4158 I UTPawn_0 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_FlakCannon_3 88.5991 I UTPawn_3 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_FlakCannon_1 91.9800 I UTPawn_2 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content UTWeaponPickupFactory_12 92.9333 I UTPawn_0 UTWeap_FlakCannon UTWeaponPickupFactory_18 98.1400 K UTPawn_2 UTBot_0 UTDmgType_LinkPlasma 1440.60,-680.97,-682.31 98.1400 S UTBot_0 UTBot_2 98.2134 I UTPawn_1 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content UTDroppedPickup_0 99.1300 I UTPawn_3 UTWeap_RocketLauncher UTWeaponPickupFactory_20 99.3134 I UTPawn_1 UTWeap_ShockRifle UTWeaponPickupFactory_2 99.4600 I UTPawn_3 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_RocketLauncher_0 99.6067 I UTPawn_3 UTWeap_RocketLauncher UTWeaponPickupFactory_20 99.8634 C UTBot_2 255 100.2667 I UTPawn_1 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_ShockRifle_2 100.4867 I UTPawn_1 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_ShockRifle_3 100.7800 I UTPawn_4 UTWeap_SniperRifle UTWeaponPickupFactory_0 101.1100 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_SniperRifle_76 105.3267 I UTPawn_3 UTWeap_LinkGun UTWeaponPickupFactory_21 105.9501 I UTPawn_0 UTPickupInventory UTArmorPickup_Thighpads_1 109.7634 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_9 109.8734 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_11 109.8734 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_8 109.9834 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_10 110.0568 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_12 110.4601 K UTPawn_3 UTPlayerController_0 UTDmgType_BioGooGib 424.77,640.47,-614.99 110.4601 S UTPlayerController_0 UTBot_1 111.8901 C UTBot_1 255 112.5868 I UTPawn_5 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_4 112.6968 I UTPawn_5 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_5 112.8068 I UTPawn_4 UTWeap_FlakCannon UTWeaponPickupFactory_18 112.8068 I UTPawn_5 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_6 112.9168 I UTPawn_5 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_HealthVial_7 115.6668 K UTPawn_1 UTPlayerController_0 UTDmgType_BioGooGib -953.49,351.39,-572.14 115.6668 S UTPlayerController_0 UTBot_0 116.2168 I UTPawn_5 UTWeap_LinkGun UTWeaponPickupFactory_21 116.7668 I UTPawn_0 UTWeap_RocketLauncher UTWeaponPickupFactory_20 116.8035 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_FlakCannon_2 117.5368 C UTBot_0 255 118.3435 I UTPawn_6 UTWeap_Stinger UTWeaponPickupFactory_4 119.7735 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_BioRifle_Content_31 120.0302 I UTPawn_4 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content UTWeaponPickupFactory_12 120.3692 I UTPawn_4 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_BioRifle_Content_32 120.8092 I UTPawn_5 UTWeap_ShockRifle UTDroppedPickup_2 122.3492 I UTPawn_5 UTWeap_RocketLauncher UTWeaponPickupFactory_20 122.5325 I UTPawn_6 UTJumpBoots UTPickupFactory_JumpBoots_0 127.2626 I UTPawn_5 UTWeap_FlakCannon UTWeaponPickupFactory_19 127.7026 I UTPawn_5 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_FlakCannon_0 128.2159 I UTPawn_5 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_FlakCannon_1 131.0026 I UTPawn_6 UTPickupInventory UTAmmo_RocketLauncher_5 131.0392 I UTPawn_0 UTPickupInventory UTPickupFactory_MediumHealth_1 131.1126 K UTPawn_4 UTPlayerController_0 UTDmgType_BioGooGib 366.57,-894.59,-681.33 131.1126 S UTPlayerController_0 UTBot_2 131.1126 EG UTPlayerReplicationInfo_0 fraglimit 137.3826 K UTPawn_0 UTPlayerController_0 DmgType_Suicided 143.31,-601.00,-687.74

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Re: UT3 support

Postby Panther » Tue Mar 11, 2008 11:20 pm

I worked on it again today....

Code: Select all

UT3Stats by Panther v0.10 0.0000 NG DM-DECK DECK UTGame.UTDeathmatch UTDeathmatch 0.0000 SG 34.1074 C 0 255 Panther 6 35.1340 I 0 MediumHealth 35.2074 C 2 255 Entropy 35.2440 C 1 255 Malise 35.4274 C 3 255 Arachne 36.5274 I 1 UTAmmo_BioRifle_Content 36.8207 I 1 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content 37.6274 I 0 UTWeap_ShockRifle 38.2507 I 2 UTWeap_SniperRifle 38.5807 I 2 UTAmmo_SniperRifle 38.7641 I 2 UTWeap_SniperRifle 39.2041 I 2 UTAmmo_SniperRifle 39.7541 I 3 UTAmmo_BioRifle_Content 39.9741 I 3 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content 45.3641 I 3 UTWeap_Stinger 46.1341 K 0 3 UTDmgType_ShockCombo UTWeap_BioRifle_Content 46.1341 S 0 3 47.8575 I 2 HealthVial 47.9308 I 2 HealthVial 47.9675 I 2 HealthVial 48.0041 I 0 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content 48.0775 I 2 HealthVial 48.1508 I 2 HealthVial 48.5175 I 0 UTWeap_Stinger 50.8641 I 2 UTWeap_FlakCannon 51.1941 I 3 UTWeap_FlakCannon 51.4142 I 3 UTAmmo_FlakCannon 51.5975 I 3 UTWeap_FlakCannon 51.9642 I 3 UTAmmo_FlakCannon 52.7708 K 0 1 UTDmgType_StingerBullet UTWeap_BioRifle_Content 52.7708 S 0 1 54.1275 I 2 UTAmmo_FlakCannon 54.8975 I 2 UTAmmo_FlakCannon 55.4108 I 1 UTWeap_FlakCannon 55.7775 I 1 UTWeap_FlakCannon 57.8675 I 2 UTAmmo_BioRifle_Content 58.1242 I 2 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content 62.8616 I 3 UTWeap_RocketLauncher 63.2282 I 3 UTAmmo_RocketLauncher 63.4116 I 3 UTWeap_RocketLauncher 65.0249 I 1 UTWeap_BioRifle_Content 66.7116 I 2 MediumHealth 66.8949 I 2 MediumHealth 67.9216 K 1 0 UTDmgType_FlakShard UTWeap_Stinger 67.9216 S 1 0 68.3982 K 1 2 UTDmgType_FlakShard UTWeap_FlakCannon 68.3982 S 1 2 69.0949 I 3 UTWeap_LinkGun 70.3783 I 1 UTAmmo_ShockRifle 70.5983 I 1 UTAmmo_ShockRifle 71.2583 I 0 UTWeap_RocketLauncher 71.6616 I 1 UTWeap_ShockRifle 72.3949 I 3 HealthVial 72.4683 I 3 HealthVial 72.4683 I 2 UTWeap_SniperRifle 72.5783 I 3 HealthVial 72.6883 I 3 HealthVial 72.7983 I 2 UTAmmo_SniperRifle 78.9583 I 1 UTWeap_Stinger 80.5716 I 1 UTWeap_FlakCannon 81.5617 I 2 HealthVial 81.6717 I 2 HealthVial 81.6717 I 2 HealthVial 81.7817 I 2 HealthVial 81.8550 I 2 HealthVial 84.6050 I 2 UTWeap_FlakCannon 85.8150 K 0 3 UTDmgType_Rocket UTWeap_FlakCannon 85.8150 S 0 3 85.8150 EG fraglimit 0
There is a bit of bad news, however. It appears that there's a problem with the Linux build of UT3 in that it won't generate a log file. It acts like the log file was created, but there's just no log file.

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Re: UT3 support

Postby Panther » Wed Mar 12, 2008 1:48 am

I've successfully logged a match and parsed it with UTStatsDB. Nothing really fancy, but functional. I'm going to tweak a few more things then I'll release a test version of the mutator that's at least minimally functional.

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