UT3Statsv1.02 -> Serverchrash

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UT3Statsv1.02 -> Serverchrash

Postby blindfoxx » Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:32 am

Installed is ut3 v.1.2 on a Debian-Linux (don't know the version of Debian)
I tried to run UT3Stats (Version 1.02) with "?Mutator=UT3Stats.UT3Stats"
But the server crashed with following Error: "Warning: UT3Stats: Failed to create stat log file."


Code: Select all

[UT3Stats UTUIDataProvider_Mutator] ClassName=UT3Stats.UT3Stats FriendlyName=UT3Stats Description=UT3 Stat Logging Mutator GroupNames= UIConfigScene= bStandaloneOnly=False BitValue=0 bRemoveOn360=False bRemoveOnPC=False bRemoveOnPS3=False [UT3Stats.UT3Stats] bUploadLogs=True UploadURL=http://xxxxxx/utstats/ut3/OLSendLog.php UploadPass=xxxxxxxxx bParseLogs=False ParserURL=http://xxxxxxx/utstats/ut3/logs.php ParserPass=xxxxxxxxx

Is UT3Stats not compatible with UT3 V.1.2?

In the attachment you can find the server.log file.

Thx, blindfoxx
Server.log file
(10.92 KiB) Downloaded 237 times

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Re: UT3Statsv1.02 -> Serverchrash

Postby Panther » Sun Jan 11, 2009 9:10 am

That was just a warning and not what actually caused the server crash, but no, it is not compatible with the Linux version of UT3 1.2. You must run the most recent version 1.3, due to various bugs in earlier versions, including ones that allow people to crash your server at will.

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Joined: Sun Aug 31, 2008 2:32 pm

Re: UT3Statsv1.02 -> Serverchrash

Postby blindfoxx » Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:44 pm

Right! The crash was a result of other errors.
Now I installed UT3v1.3 + Hotfix. Everything works fine. Only the logupload and the parselog didn't work. I managed it wit the FTP-Option in utstatsDB and a simple cronjob for the parser.

ty, Panther for your great work. Stay coding... :geek:

Sers, blindfoxx

PS.: Sorry for my english..... :oops:

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Re: UT3Statsv1.02 -> Serverchrash

Postby Panther » Sun Jan 18, 2009 12:46 am

Most Americans' English is nowhere near that good.

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