UT99 Server-to-webserver Issue...

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UT99 Server-to-webserver Issue...

Postby bobo » Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:50 pm

Hello all!

I have (2) issues. I'm on UTStatsDB 3.0.2, Linux, ApacheMySQL5, PHP4.7, usual linux stuff, and the gameserver is also.

I can manually update/parse the logs thru the UTSTatsDB admin control panel, but when it runs from my cron job,
I get an error with 'ftp_get'. What causes that? I ran this set up off of anthor server for a year, but recently moved the site hosting elsewhere.
I can tell my shell script that the cron job points to is working to at least make initial conversation with the gameserver, I see where it even gets the name of the Unreal.ngstat log file then it dies. Weirdness. Any help would be appreciated.

The strangest thing is that there are no probs at all doing the parsing manulaly thru the utstats admin panel.

Second quick question is that I've never been able to get the in-game typing/chatting show up in the UTSTatsDB page that it outputs for every match. All the players entering, leaving, picking up stuff all there, but no 'say' chat or 'teamsay' chat. How do you get that to show up on that page, can't find anything online that talks about that.

I use ACLS to make chat logs, but don't see how UTStatsBD intergates those, or if they have anything to do with it. Any help would be appreciated as well.

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Re: UT99 Server-to-webserver Issue...

Postby Panther » Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:34 am

It sounds as though the cron job user does not have write access to your local log directory. Your web server user has write access, however. Just change the permissions on the log folder.

As for chat logs, I've never even heard of ACLS, so there is no support for it in UTStatsDB.

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Re: UT99 Server-to-webserver Issue...

Postby Panther » Sat Jan 19, 2008 12:38 am

Are there any chat loggers that save to the game log instead of a separate file?

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