I'm running a UT2k2 Server Version 3369 (128.29) on a Debian Linux with PlayerJoinLog (ServerExt) and Demorec4.2 on it.
RStatsLink (ServerExt) sends the log-Files to my Webspace with UTStatsDB 3.06.
The Demo-Files loads UTStatsDB with the ftp-Option to the Demo-Folder on my Webspace. I start the Parser with a Cronjob every Day at 11.50 pm.
Evertithing works fine. Parsing the Logs and Download the Demos are working.
UTStatsDB Reedme:
But there is no Link for my Visitors in the UTStats-Site to the Demo-Files. And I can't find the "config.inc.php"-File in UTStatsDB.===============================================================================
========== DemoRec Files ======================================================
The Match Stats page of UTStatsDB will look for a file containing a matching
date/time string in the directory specified by the $demodir config variable
(with $demoext as the extension) and provide a link to the user if found. The
link is generated with the prefix take from $demourl. UTStatsDB can also be
configured to automatically download demorec files via ftp (see the
config.inc.php notes). If you've maxmatches set, older demorec files will be
deleted as the associated matches are removed. In your DemoRecord.ini file you
must set 'bSetNums' to False and leave 'FileName' blank.
Here is my Logs-Config Page:
This is the Demo Section of the Main-Config Page:
Where is my mistake?