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UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 12:28 pm
by BigDeal
I current test the http version from UTStats 1.04 on server 2 and tomorrow i will activate the other version on server 1.
When i check the log i saw that, because the upload is not working:
Log: Resolved (
Log: CheckConnectionAttempt: Connection attempt has not yet completed.

Why port 0?

Also a the server log is full of that:
ScriptWarning: UTTeamAI DM-BitterEnd.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UTTeamAI_0 (Function UTGame.UTTeamAI:ReAssessStrategy:00B3) Accessed None 'EnemyTeam'

ScriptWarning: RBTTInfernal DM-BitterEnd.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.RBTTInfernal_4 (Function RBTTInvasion.RBTTInfernal:DoPound:0016) Accessed None 'HeroGroundPoundEmitter'

ScriptWarning: UT3StatsHTTP DM-BitterEnd.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UT3StatsHTTP_0 (Function UT3StatsHTTP.UT3StatsHTTP:GetLastScore:0033) Accessed array 'UT3StatsHTTP_0.PlrData' out of bounds (-1/8)

ScriptWarning: UT3StatsHTTP DM-BitterEnd.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UT3StatsHTTP_0 (Function UT3StatsHTTP.UT3StatsHTTP:SetLastScore:0033) Attempt to assign variable through None

ScriptWarning: UT3StatsGameRules DM-BitterEnd.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.UT3StatsGameRules_0 (Function UT3StatsHTTP.UT3StatsGameRules:ScoreKill:018D) Accessed None 'PlayerReplicationInfo'

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 1:27 pm
by Panther
I looked to see what mutators are running on your server, but it reports none though there are obviously mutators running.

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 6:34 pm
by BigDeal
yes there are running "Talking Icon Mutator, BattleRPG, UTCompIII v4 beta2, RBTTInvasion Rev 88, UT3StatsHTTP, utcomp ping compensation" and the Mutator loader, so you dont see what muts are running. But why is the upload not working, same config like before? I will try now the other UTStats (not http), because with the http one i have mem leak and he is not uploading, see if it will change something with the other.

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 7:28 pm
by Panther
Why are you running a program to hide the mutators?

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 8:21 pm
by BigDeal
If you will not do it, he will not show in server browser.

this can be used to workaround the problem, where too many mutators stops your server showing up (caused by the size of the server details hitting a GameSpy size limit).

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:06 am
by BigDeal
Panther you know why the upload from UT3StatsHTTP is not working?

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2009 12:19 pm
by Panther
No, why, do you?

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:23 pm
by BigDeal
Hi Panther
I did install over the weekend my 2 servers complete new to test your new 2 versions and my hope was that the memory leak is gone, but its still there. I did all what was possible, but sorry that i could not help more.

Thx for your time you spend on this project!

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Mon Apr 27, 2009 4:29 pm
by Panther
I did install over the weekend my 2 servers complete new to test your new 2 versions and my hope was that the memory leak is gone, but its still there. I did all what was possible, but sorry that i could not help more.
I didn't do anything with this version to fix a memory leak - I was just trying to track down issues with the HTTP uploading but I'm just simply not going to work on that version any longer. The best method to transfer logs is via FTP. If there are memory issues then likely the fix is going to have to be on the server engine.

Re: UT3Stats 1.04

Posted: Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:18 am
by BigDeal
Yes think so too :(