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wp_weaptype column?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:39 pm
by Cockbite
What exactly does the wp_weaptype column in the ut_weapons table represent? How do I know what value to put in there when I add new weapons to the table?

Also, could you please add another column after wp_secondary for the weapons that have more than two methods of death? It could be something like wp_extra and it would just work the same as wp_secondary. I would greatly appreciate it.


Re: wp_weaptype column?

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 11:13 pm
by Panther
If you simply look through the weapons.sql file or the database, you can see groupings by wp_weaptype:
0 = Handheld Weapons
1 = Vehicles/Turrets
2 = ...I'm not sure...
3 = Monsters

wp_secondary is not a boolean value.

Re: wp_weaptype column?

Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 12:08 pm
by Cockbite
Okay thanks, I saw the various numbers in the wp_weapontype column, but I just wasn't recognizing a pattern as to what they represented. I'm not familiar with the monsters so that threw me off.

Sorry about the wp_secondary confusion, I feel a bit dumb for not realizing that myself. I could
swear I only saw ones and zeros in there when I first looked, but now I see that there are twos and fours as well.