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Theme 6 UT3 for utstatsdb

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 12:41 am
by pbgBrockHead
OKay folks I have made a ut3 theme, fairly simple so here is a link to my site as an example download at bottom :D

files and instructions for install are included.. but the header image is not.. as if you would want it anyways :roll:

scheers and have fun


on another note I was just saying to a friend how cool it is of you to continue developing this program even though everything has been stacked against you. Thanks for all your hard work man this truly is a great addition to any ut site IMHO

Re: Theme 6 UT3 for utstatsdb

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:21 am
by Panther
Thank you for sharing this. It even validates. :)

Re: Theme 6 UT3 for utstatsdb

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:15 pm
by pbgBrockHead
;) np man, again thanks for continuing your project. I wish I saw more peeps thanking you instead of only posting their problems because this IMO is a web program they should be paying you money for and you offer it to them free due to your personal affections for UT ;)

this is nothing on a scale of contributions, ima tiny little ant standing next to a giant building, a thousand thank yous to you and your team!


Re: Theme 6 UT3 for utstatsdb

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 3:57 pm
by Panther
I'm just glad that others are getting use of UTStatsDB. I never actually intended to write it - it just happened. UT2003 had just come out and I was saddened to see that there was no way to generate logs from it and the official stats system not only left much to be desired in the way of content, but it just plain didn't work. Then El Muerte released a mod to save local logs but there was no software to parse the logs and display them nicely. Being the patient sort, I waited a day or two (or at least until Friday evening when I didn't have work) and then wrote it. By the end of the weekend I had a functional stats system which grew from there. Then I redid the official stats system based on UTStatsDB (or UT2003 StatsDB at the time). The parser I completely rewrote in C, however. I did get paid for that of course.

Re: Theme 6 UT3 for utstatsdb

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:36 am
by pbgBrockHead
well thats cool it is good to hear there was something in it, it would be nice to see epic embrace this once again because I must say it is like being home. I am aware of enemy down but they only stat pure game and 3/4 of ours are extremely modded so were basically boned without statsdb.

I have made quite a few mutes for 2k4 and ut3 but stopped a while back after having a bad experience @ epics forums where I had taken time away from my work to help out someone in the community get a copy of ctf-faceclassic fixed and usable and cooked properly. Well I fixed and got it into beta, state released it and gave the proper credits like in the old days and someone came into my thread and said hey I did a version of face too. within a couple of hours he released his, which was exactly the same as the map I started with that would not cook due to something being wrong with a material package in the bonus pack. So I basically threw my hands up at that point had already been turned off by most of the 'new' community anyway due to people cooking things for ps3 modders / mappers didn't give permission for and the rampant disregard for the amount of work put into making anything for this particular game.

So I guess the long and short of it is there is something special about ut, sometimes it can be the community and sometimes it can just be the game but I am going to start working on it again soon having some recent inspiration, this program being one of them and the main one is people asking me to so we will see what comes of it there.

I have another version of face classic also by the way I started it a while back, there is screens of it on my xfire with a lot of the different maps / mods i have done or worked on. This version is a complete remake, when i finally finish it it will be very dark and creepy. :o I had stopped working on it but it is nearly complete so I will probably work on that to finaliz it and get it out.

anyway my fingers hurt your eyes are no doubt bleeding and I got half a website to finish before I can do much of anything else. Please keep up the good work man!


Re: Theme 6 UT3 for utstatsdb

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 2:48 am
by Panther
I am aware of enemy down but they only stat pure game and 3/4 of ours are extremely modded so were basically boned without statsdb.
Isn't Enemy Down just displaying stats that they grab from GameSpy which are no more than player totals?

I've noticed people not giving credit for stuff. Someone even released a stat system for UT '99 (called UTStats) and used a bunch of code and HTML from UTStatsDB without the slightest amount of credit. There are always going to be idiots like that out there, but you can't let them get to you.

I can barely get even one of my friends interested in playing UT (any version) these days so it's been some time since I've played CTF.

Re: Theme 6 UT3 for utstatsdb

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 6:44 pm
by pbgBrockHead
Isn't Enemy Down just displaying stats that they grab from GameSpy which are no more than player totals?
pretty much yes
I've noticed people not giving credit for stuff. Someone even released a stat system for UT '99 (called UTStats) and used a bunch of code and HTML from UTStatsDB without the slightest amount of credit.
well this is lame imo

I am pretty much over all that crap at this point, I just wont be releasing to many items is all. Truth be told I didn't release anything in 2k4 at all outside of maps because I horded it all for my servers, where it all still lives. Was having a change of heart with ut3, maybe a mistake on my behalf looking back maybe not.

far as playin the game, drop by one of our servers should you get the time. Everyone on the team/extended family is friendly and helpful :)

Thanks man,

BTw thanks for helpin with the Sql crap too sometimes the vodoo is just too strong
