Problems loading Logs

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Joined: Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:30 pm

Problems loading Logs

Postby FireHawk » Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:41 pm

So, I've gotten sick of NGStats and wanted something more advanced so I found UTStatsDB, but I've run into a snag... I've tried for the last several hours trying to get my UT99 GOTY logs to process, but I keep getting:
"Processing directory './Logs/' for 'Unreal.ngLog*': No log files to process."

I have 2 logs in that directory. I can even play with the source and echo them (via echo $files around line 725 in logs.php) and its looking in the right location but seems to get lost in the cluster of code with all the additional checks. I've given up hacking and slashing through the code to find out why it doesn't like my logs so now I'm posting here. Ive even reluctantly disabled all of php's security functions (and blocking outside traffic) to no avail.

Here is a live log from UT99: ... 6.7777.log
All machines are local, and its no issue setting UT to save logs to the Logs location configured in UTStatsDB (disabled for now except for 2 logs).

UTStatsDB version: 3.06
Operating system and version: Windows XP SP3
Database type and version: MySQL 5.1.51
PHP version: 5.3.27
Web server and version: Apache 2.2.25
Web server OS: Windows Server 2003 SP2
Unreal Tournament version: 436
Stat logger type and version: LocalBatcherURL=../

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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