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Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:40 am
by Alazrian

i´m from the TacticalOps 3.5 community and heard about the "mutator" utstatsDB rather "UTSAccuBeta4_2.u"
its a nice tool and we decide to try it for our server...
we put it on the server and the logs are created,
then we go in the adminpanel and made the configs to download the logs from the gameserver
and hit the button "parse Logs"
there was an info by the PhP-Skript thats downloading the logs from gameserver and they are saved on the webspace in the folder logs by the skript, until here everything was fine and no problems where found
but then the skript announce that the logs are invalid
but nothing happens on the StatsPage. there is already no entry in the MySQL.

My idea is now that the teamgamemode of tacticalops isn´t supportet by the skript, but in the "original" UT´s the teamdeathmatch mode is already the same as our game mode. And the mutator had written the logfile, so why cant do the skript his job?

the serverquery also show something wrong, he show every player on both teams an mix the current stats like ping/kills

anybody an idea where is the problem?

-PHP Version 4.4.9
-MySQL-Client-Version: 5.0.37

thx for an answer

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 10:55 am
by Panther
Please send a log file so I can see the contents.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:00 pm
by Alazrian ... 9.7777.log

Do u have a newer severmutator than the one for UT99 ?
We use this one

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 1:47 pm
by Panther
UT '99 has built-in logging capability, so one isn't required.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:08 pm
by Alazrian

i hope u can get it to run.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2008 3:32 pm
by Panther
Yes, the problem was caused by the odd logging mutator you have. It mistakenly puts the start game tag within a game tag, which is normally used to show match information. I've added support for this. If you can send me logs containing the different possible end game results for your game type I can include them.

The updated version is available in the SVN repository.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 5:39 am
by Alazrian

Here are a few Logs.

I'll give u more in a few hours.

I have to download the logging mutotator from the SVN repository, if u have include the game-typ?
My english is not so good ... sry

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 7:35 am
by Alazrian
Initializing ftp file transfer.
Connected to '***************' on port '21' for user 'a751'.
Enabling passive mode.
Successfully changed ftp directory to '/to_2/Logs'.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.
Downloading log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'....successful - deleted.

Setting permissions in directory './Logs/' for 'Unreal.ngLog.*':
Processing directory './Logs/' for 'Unreal.ngLog.*':
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...match 1 successfully processed.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...match 2 successfully processed.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
2 of 9 logs processed.

This is the parse-log with the svn-version

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 8:46 am
by Alazrian

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 10:33 am
by Panther
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...match 1 successfully processed.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...match 2 successfully processed.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...unknown endgame reason.
This is because of the endgame reasons for your game type not being included in the database. I need a comprehensive list, not just logs from some matches played on your servers. A list of all game types with what type of matches they are, plus all possible endgame reasons is needed.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 2:56 pm
by Alazrian
oh, this is difficult.
but i try to get this information

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 3:07 pm
by Panther
Thanks. If I'm going to add support it should be done properly.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Tue Oct 21, 2008 11:40 pm
by Alazrian
ok ... for the understanding:

Possible endgame-reasons are also Admin-Mapchange, surver shutdown, etc
And u need the log-entrys for all this possible events?

EDIT: I was on the wrong way :-)

The Endgame-reason is the Endround-Reason from the Round after the maptime expires?

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Wed Oct 22, 2008 11:49 am
by Panther
ok ... for the understanding:

Possible endgame-reasons are also Admin-Mapchange, surver shutdown, etc
And u need the log-entrys for all this possible events?

EDIT: I was on the wrong way :-)

The Endgame-reason is the Endround-Reason from the Round after the maptime expires?
Every time the game generates an end game tag (GAME_END), a reason is given with it. The standard UT end game reasons are:
  • fraglimit
    assault succeeded!
    assault failed!
Custom game types often generate their own end game reasons, such as the "terrorists exterminated!" that appears in yours. This obviously isn't the only possible outcome, so all the rest need to be added.

Also, while UTStatsDB will add any new game types it finds, they're automatically treated as standard deathmatch unless specified otherwise. So I should also include a list of all new game types with the appropriate settings.

You should contact the developer of the custom game type for details, or look in the source.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 4:46 pm
by psykid
hey there, here we are :P

we have searched for endgame reasons in the logfile which is written by the mutator, cause only things are written in the logfile you can add in the statspage, and the built-in logger from UT99 which is also in TacticalOpsserver.ini appears in laags on our servers. we think thats all the results TacticalOps use.

Draw game
Special Forces exterminated!
Terrorists exterminated!
Hostages rescued !
Terrorists win the round
Bomb defused
Blue control panel hacked. SF team wins!
Red control panel hacked. Terrorist team wins!
Tomahawk missile launched, the Special Forces have failed.
Most of the Terrorists have escaped !

*** there are realy space characters behind "hostages rescued" and "Most of the Terrorists have escaped" ***
the problem now we have is that the mutator logs a Draw Game if the

Special forces failed to rescue the hostages
Terrorists can´t escape
Terrorists launch the Tomahawk missile
Terrorist can´t plant the bomb

i look at weekend in the built-in-logger if there is the same problem.


Tactical Ops had since patch 3,5 only one gametype and this is the
Tactical Ops;s_SWAT.s_SWATGame;
in the logs shown as GameClass s_SWAT.s_SWATGame

the other gametypes like CTF or DM will be added as a mutator, but this is still under progress
also we had monster mutators which is built-in in some servers, but the monsters are like bots on the server and don´t show in the logs. here i also look at the weekend in the built-in-logger.

so i hope my english is good enough to understand what i want to say :P

greetz by psy´d´cook

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Thu Oct 23, 2008 6:51 pm
by Panther
Meinst, du, dass dies die Gründe für das Spielende sind?

Special forces failed to rescue the hostages
Terrorists can´t escape
Terrorists launch the Tomahawk missile
Terrorist can´t plant the bomb

Haben die wirklich dieses spezielle Zeichen als Apostroph?
Oder meinst du, dass anstatt dessen "Unentschieden" angegeben wird?

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Fri Oct 24, 2008 1:04 pm
by psykid
haha wie geil :D
stattdessen wird unentschieden angegeben, das meine ich

das war nur meine logische schlussfolgerung darauf was da eigentlich stehen müsste, denn bei gewonnener mission steht Hostages rescued ! also müsste bei nicht erfüllen des missionsziels der jeweiligen map das gegenteil stehen, würde für mich heißen Special forces failed to rescue the hostages, bei den anderen das gleiche in grün. dies sind also frei erfundene meldungen.

ich habe einen angeshcrieben von dem ich weiß das er beim patch 3,5 mitgemahct hatte und er sich gut mit dem TO-editor auskennt in die richtung mapping, da man ja beim mappen nen grund für ein ende der runde angeben muss sollte er ja wissen wo, bzw welche bzw wie die angegeben sind...allerdings wie das so ist mit dem licht, mal brennt es und mal nicht :D....kommt er ausgerechnet jetzt nicht online

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2008 11:13 pm
by Panther
Ich habe keinen Einfluss auf die Meldungen selbst, aber ich muss alle Möglichkeiten, die in den logs auftauchen unterbringen.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 2:14 am
by psykid
heut endlich mal wieder frei, shice arbeit^^

es sind 15 endround-einträge, suche ich noch raus sowie ich dazukomme, was momentan eher sekundär is. da wir eh an dem mutator gebunden sind.

bis jetzt haben wir 11 einträge +4 die als draw angezeigt werden = 15 mit dem mutator der eigentlich für UT geschrieben wurde, da momentan alle noch vorhandenen u-script-coder am neuen Tost (Tactical Ops Server Admin Tool) bzw ESE (Enhanced Secure Environment / cheatprotection) arbeiten wird wohl vorerst keiner dazukommen da was zu machen, bzw wenn er da etwas macht kann er ja dann die 11 einträge (wobei mir unlogishc ershceint warum diese anders lauten sollten) so übernehmen und man müsste die restlichen 4 dann nur noch nachträglich einfügen.

man kann eben nicht immer alles haben^^ aber denke wenn zeit ist wird sich da einer drumm kümmern.

schonmal danke für die zeit die du darin investierst "obwohl es kein UT ist"

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2008 4:41 am
by Alazrian
genau ... von mir auch ein herzliches dankeschön.

Ich denke, wenn die 11 endgame-reasons eingepflegt sind, wäre uns schon sehr geholfen.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 6:11 pm
by Panther
Please upload more Tactical Ops logs, preferably with different outcomes.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 7:02 am
by psykid

here are the logs with all possible endgame-results.

manche haben doppelte einträge da es etwas lanweilig war und wir uns dann ausversehn gekillt haben :P,
aber alle möglichen meldungen sind in den obigen logs zu sehn

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2008 6:20 pm
by Panther
Support ist jetzt in der aktuellen SVN Version of UTStatsDB. Das kannst Du zum testen benutzen.

Wie wär's mit logs ohne den UTStats mutator? Das müsste auch gehen.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 6:07 am
by psykid
ok..dann lad ich die mal runter und schmeis es auf mein laptop zum testen :P

das problem mit dem eingebauten logger von UT ist das der TO-server dann anfängt zu läggen und dann der spielspass auf der strecke bleibt.
aber ich schau mal was der in die log schreibt, vorallem bei den 4 fehlenden einträgen bzw müsste ich da noch logs von 2 tagen noch irgendwo aufm rechner haben.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 7:01 am
by psykid
hab mal alle Logs die ich auf meinem rechner habe in die stats neu einlesen lassen, da waren auch logs dabei vom built-in-logger, das waren die vershciedenen meldungen von dem mutator

Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...invalid.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...match 1 successfully processed.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...match 50 successfully processed.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...scoreless match.
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...invalid.

50 of 821 logs processed.
läuft also soweit

allerdings meldet die parse.php (oder so) bei den logs vom built in logger
Processing log 'Unreal.ngLog.2008.'...invalid.

auf der log haben 5-6 spieler eine komplette map gespielt (25min.)
hiermit höhrt die auf.
1664.75 round_end 0 Special Forces exterminated!
1668.72 typing True 11
1669.79 typing False 11
1670.03 game_end Special Forces exterminated!

ich such die mal zussamen und pack dir ein archiv

nur was mir gerade auffällt

TotalScore|TotalFrags|TotalKills|TeamKills|TotalHeadshots|Human Players|Servers|MatchesLogged|PlayerHours
2574 2574 2621 0 2 100 2 56 96.3

das glaube ich nicht ganz das die Teamkill´s sowie Headshots stimmen bei 56 matches mit 100spielern
is nur die frage obs an dem mutator liegt oder am skript :cry: mal sehn wo die 2 headshotz herkommen

p.s. halloween halloween happy happy halloween

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 11:50 am
by psykid

das sind paar logs von dem built-in-logger für NetGamez.usa das es bei UT gab, habe mir letztens auch shcon nen UT99-server gezogen und wollte mal da die HTML-sektion in meinen TO-server bauen, bin allerdings da noch nicht dazugekommen.

aber wie gesagt. mit dem teil läggt es sehr aufm server, werde morgen auch nochmal so ne aktion starten wo ich die .logs aktiviere und dann jede endgame-möglichkeit durchgehe um zu vergleichen was geschrieben wird beim built-in und beim UTStats den wir momentan nutzen

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 12:25 pm
by Panther
Fixed in current SVN test version.

Re: Parse-Error, Tactical Ops:AoT 3.5 (UT99)

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2008 2:49 pm
by psykid
updated auf current SVN version